Time: 9:30am - 12:00pm
Please note this session will NOT be recorded.
Member - £99
Non-Member - £149
Facilitator - Matt Bromley
Students who start school at a disadvantage end school at a disadvantage. Schools don’t just fail to close the gap, they perpetuate it. And the impact is lifelong: these students are less likely to go to university and find meaningful, well-paid employment, and they’re less likely to enjoy good health and wellbeing. But it doesn’t have to be this way; a child’s birth does not have to be their destiny.
This course explores what schools can do to drive social justice and tackle society’s inequalities.
It starts by acknowledging that it’s not about ability. Schools must take a learner-led not label-led approach and convert the causes of disadvantage into tangible classroom consequences. Then they must move from equality to equity and do more for those who start with less, including in the form of:
- Quality first teaching
- Adaptive or responsive teaching
- Additional interventions
- Extra-curricular and enrichment
This course will explore ways of using the Pupil Premium grant to make more of a difference for more students. It will also explore the accountability framework including proposals for a new Ofsted inspection framework which puts inclusion at its heart.
- By the end of this course, you will:
- Understand the purpose of the Pupil Premium grant and how it can be used
- Understand why disadvantaged students perform less well on average and the lifelong consequences of this
- Understand the importance of moving beyond labels and redefining disadvantage for your setting
- Appreciate the importance of taking an evidence-informed approach and understand how to balance external and internal sources of evidence
- Know how to take a tiered approach to support and appreciate the central tenets of quality first teaching, adaptive teaching, and effective additional interventions
- Appreciate the importance of inclusion and belonging and have explored some of the push and pull factors of school
- Understand the link between disadvantage and attendance and have strategies for reducing absence and persistent absence
- Know how to report the impact of your Pupil Premium spend and understand the accountability framework
Headteachers, deputy headteachers, assistant headteachers, pupil premium coordinators and leaders, SENDCos, aspiring senior leaders, middle leaders, subject leaders, pastoral leaders, pupil premium link governors.
Matt Bromley

Matt Bromley is CEO of bee and Chair of the Building Equity in Education Campaign. He is an education journalist, author, and advisor with twenty five years’ experience in teaching and leadership including as a secondary school headteacher and academy principal, further education college vice principal, and multi-academy trust director.
Matt is a public speaker, trainer, initial teacher training lecturer, and school improvement advisor. He remains a practising teacher, currently working in secondary, FE and HE settings.
Matt writes for various education magazines including SecEd and Headteacher Update, and he is a columnist on The Yorkshire Post. He is the author of numerous best-selling books on education and he co-hosts an award-winning podcast.
For Matts full bio please click here.